Frequently Asked Questions

1. What happens in a psychotherapy session?
In a psychotherapy session we sit and talk about whatever is important for you. The purpose of our discussion is to look at your life and explore your emotional difficulties. We will sometimes use methods such as dream analysis, guided imagery, or relaxation to help you access your unconscious mind. Sessions last 50 minutes and usually take place weekly.
2. How do I know if I will like the therapist?
After one or two sessions you can determine for yourself if you and the therapist are a fit.
3. What is the difference between psychotherapy and counselling?
These two terms overlap. The term psychotherapy includes counselling about emotional and human relationship problems, and as well, psychotherapy includes working at a deeper level with the unconscious, which falls beyond the scope of counselling.
4. Are you a member of a professional organization?
Yes, I am a registered psychotherapist, a member of The College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, registration #001475. I am also a member of OACCPP, The Ontario Association of Consultants, Counsellors, Psychometrists and Psychotherapists.
5. I feel as though something is not right, but have not gone to see a therapist because I don't know what the problem is or what to ask for.
Don't worry that you need a clear idea of the issue to bring to therapy. Together we can help you figure it out.
6. There seems to be many kinds of psychotherapy. How do I know what type is good for me?
Certain kinds of psychotherapy work better for some people than others. It is hard to know until you actually become involved. Usually after one or two sessions you will be able to determine if my way of working is best for you.
7. Are you covered by OHIP?
No, I'm sorry I'm not, but some benefits coverage will reimburse you for some or all of your costs to me, depending on the plan that you have.
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